"Up in the Air": A New Exhibit and Reception at Local Colors
Local Colors Artists' Cooperative, now in its 29th year, celebrates its annual art event with a special art exhibit titled UP IN THE AIR. The gallery will highlight the new work of the 16 members from October 5th through October 26th with a reception (free and open to the public) on Saturday, October 6th from 5 to 7 PM at Local Colors Artists' Cooperative, 121 Main St. in Gloucester.
Each of the 16 artists is free to interpret the theme according to the artist's calling. For special events as this, the artists are encouraged to create works outside their usual medium to allow for growth and expansion of their creative talents.
“It’s always interesting to see how the artist interprets the theme whether literally, humorously or philosophically,” says Kathy Bucholska, a member for 28 years who designed jewelry using sun, moon and star motifs. “The sun is a powerful symbol for me representing warmth, strength, growth and renewal.”
The Cooperatives two newest members Allyson Christopher, a fiber artist, and Judy Plank, a painter, enthusiastically designed pieces for the show. Judy says she took a “twist” on interpreting the theme. Her work is primarily bold, coastal inspired paintings on wood with carved accents and a high gloss finish. She submitted three pieces including one with three row boats tied to a pier titled Row v Wade as she believes the “current law is up in the air.” The second piece is called “Sabrina Maria” representing the fishing industry which is similarly up in the air as well and her third piece titled “Citgo” which she says is “dedicated to the amazing year the Red Sox’s are having.”
Allyson whose work is beautifully dyed silk scarves and other items created a one of a kind silk scarf using professional silk dyes for the brilliance of color. Her piece is titled, “Falls Glory” which reminded her of the colorful leaves blowing in the air during the fall.
Pat Doherty, a painter, enjoys painting the tranquility of a Cape Ann sunset and sunrise. Pat says, “With all the stress we can experience today, the beauty of a sunset can help the worries of the day fade away. With each sunrise I wish to bring the hope of a new day.”
For Up in the Air, Ann Schlecht created sculptural leaf earrings of mixed metals made with aluminum, copper and brass to signify the variety of colors found in foliage - leaves that crumple and fall from the sky. These earrings are very lightweight and with each movement they catch the light.
Sally Seamans aka Tin Can Sally, made hanging mobiles of various sizes and mediums. Her mobiles combine line, color, joy and motion.
One of our potters, Virginia Townsend, inspired by her love of the ocean, created beautiful glass ornaments filled with sand, sea-glass, shells and sparkle. She says, “It brings the feel of the ocean to the home.”
Things that fly is the interpretation by Jim Sousa, a photographer, who will exhibit photographs of birds, fighter jets and kite surfers.
Donna Amero, a stained-glass artist and the only remaining founding member of the cooperative, created a sun mirror and a stained-glass panel with mountains and a loon that she titled “Loon Mountain.”
Other members displaying work are Christine Garrigan, a tie-dye artist who will have pieces symbolizing the colors of the sky, Bob Kulchuk and Jim Trudeau for their wheel thrown pottery, Susan Ingram and Marion Rayner for their inspiring and often locally themed paintings, Dave Katz, a photographer with his sea-glass and abstract water photography and Gary Lucas, a relief artist with his unique coastal scenes.
The members are excited to offer to the community, a new show with so many interpretations. The UP IN THE AIR show runs from October 6th through October 26th with an evening reception on October 6th from 5 to 7pm, open and free to the public. The hours are from 10am to 6pm, Sunday through Saturday. The phone number is 978-283-3996.