"Tiny Art": A New Exhibit and Reception at Local Colors
Local Colors Artists' Cooperative, now in its 28th year, celebrates its annual art event with a special art exhibit titled TINY ART. This theme, which also coincides with Local Colors Artists' Cooperative 28th anniversary, is a new undertaking for the Co-op as most shows have a more specific subject such as a "fish" or the "sea". This show challenges the artists by limiting the size of the work, but not the subject or medium they choose. The gallery will highlight the new work of the 16 members from September 30 through October 20th with a reception on Saturday, October 14th from 5 to 8 PM at Local Colors Artists' Cooperative, 121 Main St. in Gloucester.
Each of the 16 artists created work that is approximately 6 by 6 inches or smaller on any subject(s) according to the artist's calling. For special events as this, the artists are encouraged to create works outside their usual medium to allow for growth and expansion of their creative talents.
Donna Amero, a stained glass artist and the only remaining founding member of the cooperative, created a 1 1/2" square glass treasure box with a small pearlized nautilus shell in the lid. She also designed 3" by 6" stained glass "window" panels. She found the theme fun and challenging. She says, "It gives us an opportunity to offer a small piece of art that will fit anywhere at an affordable price."
Kathy Bucholska, a member for 27 years, submitted small sculptures, mixed media and jewelry. Kathy says, "My favorites are my "Tiny" sculptures. All three have a petrified wood base supporting either a jasper sphere, an ancient ammonite or carved bone animal totem ranging from 6 by 3 inches to 3 by 3 inches and relate the meaning of the symbols, stones or fossils."
“I love when we do these shows and need to come up with something new,” Ann Schlecht, a jewelry designer remarks. Ann created a 2 1/4" by 1 1/4" Flower Pot Pendant using her grandmother’s thimble and filled it with wire soil and many different colored sea glass flowers. She recognizes it is always a challenge to come up with a theme that appeals to a diverse group of artists as well as to the public.
Jacqueline Bennett, a painter and our newest member did several 6" by 6" paintings called "Sparkle Flowers" in acrylic with a gold and copper leaf. "My initial reaction to the theme was feeling constricted by the small size, but I had fun with these," says Jackie. Penn Weston, a woodcarver and another recent member, carved a 6" by 1" baby cormorant. "The idea came to me when I saw a likeness (of it) at a display in Norway at a village near the Arctic Circle," says Penn noting he also carved the mother cormorant which is also available.
Sally Seamans aka Tin Can Sally has made a series of tiny house collages. Each piece is a little over 3" square. "Making these small collages entirely out of found recycled tin was quite a challenge for me," Sally says "but I enjoy challenges."
Pat Doherty, a painter, painted a 4" by 4" oil on canvas of a Gloucester sunset. "I love painting the bright colors found in our Gloucester sunsets. It doesn't change the pleasure I feel when painting whether it is a two foot by four foot painting or a four inch by four inch painting. The color and light found in Gloucester cannot be surpassed," adds Pat.
One of our potters, Virginia Townsend, used sticks from her hydrangeas to create whimsical 4" by 4" ceramic fish tiles. She says through her inspiration from the Cape Ann sea, salt and sand, she keeps her coastal pottery fun.
You'll also find small alarm clocks with 2" diameter photos of Cape Ann in the face made by Jim Sousa, a photographer. He sees these creations as fun mementos that allows you to take a little bit of Cape Ann with you anywhere yougo.
Other members displaying work are Bob Kulchuk and Jim Trudeau for their wheel thrown pottery, Susan Ingram and Marion Rayner for their inspiring and often locally themed paintings, Joe Higgins for his fish prints, Christine Garrigan, a tie-dye artist and Dave Katz, a photographer.
The members are excited to offer to the community, as the founding member Donna Amero says, "a small piece of art that will fit anywhere at an affordable price." The TINY ART show runs from September 30th through October 20th with an evening reception on October 14th from 5 to 8pm, open and free to the public. The hours beginning October 1 are from 10am to 6pm, Sunday through Saturday. The phone number is 978-283-3996.